St. Paul Lutheran Church
& Early Childhood Learning Center
Our Season of Lent
The journey to Easter
We will gather as the body of christ, worshiping in-person and on facebook live. on sundays and mid-week on wednesdays during lent.
All worship services are in-person &
livestreamed on Facebook Live
A brief video gives you a little background.
It all begins on Ash Wednesday February 14
Receiving your ashes
Noon 7p worship service
Wednesdays in Lent February 21-March 20
6p Enjoy Soup & Dessert supper
7p worship service
Palm Sunday March 24
9:30a service of worship
Maundy or Holy Thursday March 28
What the Last Supper was all about.
7p worship service
Good Friday March 29
Jesus is crucified & we wait.
7p worship service
Walk your Faith ~ Stations of the Cross
on Main St. 7:30a
Video link:
The 40 days of Lent is a time of preparation; of fasting, praying, and giving. Beginning with Ash Wednesday, we walk the path of renewal to the cross and Easter, each in our own way. On this page are the many opportunities at St. Paul to help you with your Lenten journey
Children's Easter Celebration & Egg Hunt
March 30 • 1:30 - 3:30p
We'll have crafts, egg dying, cookie decorating, and Ebie the Easter Bunny! Then hunt for hidden eggs and the collectible Easter Rocks!
Kids, bring back your Easter Rocks to see who has the most!
Easter Sunday ~ He is Risen!
Christ is risen! Indeed, He is risen!
March 31 • 9:30a worship
(and release of butterflies)
Pray • Fast • Give