St. Paul Lutheran Church
& Early Childhood Learning Center

Everyone is encouraged to prayerfully participate in the ministries below to make a
difference for Christ and His Kingdom! All of our ministry groups actively seek new team-members.
Food Pantry • Lutheran World Relief
Back to School @ Alta Vista Elementary School
All Faith's Summer Hunger Program
Handcrafters Guild of St. Paul
Click here for more info on any program above
social time
Snow Bird Dinner
Shrove Tuesday Dinner & Show
Fall Festival • Thanksgiving Dinner
Wine & Cheese Tastings
Monthly Dominoes Night
Sunday Social & Coffee Hour
Mowing • Trimming
Planting • Mulching
Painting • Fixing
Christmas & Easter Set Ups
Pipe Organ & Piano
Handbell & Chime Choir
Sanctuary Choir
•Welcome gift to first time guests
•New disciple (member) classes
•Participate in Sarasota Christmas Parade with a float (most years)
•Host an Easter Celebration & a Breakfast with Santa event for community children
• Annual Gods Work. Our Hands community service day
• Adopt-A-Road Community program (Keep Sarasota Beautiful)
As disciples of our Church, we believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbors.
How we respond to God's call is by being faithful stewards of the gifts God has so abundantly given to us. Some may think of stewardship only as a financial response to God's love, but it encompasses so much more than money. It's about how we use all that God has entrusted to our care - our time, our talents, and our treasures - to love God and our neighbors, both inside and outside of the church walls and our homes. It's also about how we serve as stewards of the creation (our world) that God has entrusted to our care.
"Stewardship is a matter of the heart. My stewardship practices are a response to the boundless love God first showed me. It means that I am grateful for all that God has generously entrusted to me. As a faithful steward and child of God, I understand that (the) decisions I make, in all aspects of my life, reveal my priorities. It is a privilege to share time, talents, and finances, to care for God's earth and to serve my neighbors. Being a good steward has brought me great joy and has helpd me grow spiritually. I am blessed to be a blessing." ~ Kathy Fiscus, Faith and Finances Ministry Team Chair, Minneapolis, MN