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People In Church


     We are Easter people! The baptismal font is where we begin a new life. Worship is our response to the God who created us, lifted us from the font, and calls us to life today.

     We confess the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and the Gospel as the power of God for salvation of all who believe. We believe we are saved by Grace through Faith.

     We come from many heritages and backgrounds. We are found in all walks of life. We differ in politics and lifestyles. Some of us proudly declare our faith and some of us prefer to have our deeds witness to our beliefs.

     We accept the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds as true declarations of our faith and the Unaltered Augsburg Confession as a true witness to the Gospel.

A lighthearted story about Martin Luther and the beginning of the Reformation.


Leadership & Staff

Pastor Ashley Nicolls -
Parish Administrator -  
ECLC Preschool - StPaul-ECLC
ECLC Director,     


Since February 1955, with thanksgiving for the redeeming sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ and for His gift of eternal life, and with a firm reliance upon the power and guidance of His Holy Spirit, the members of this congregation, believing that they have been individually and collectively called, accept as Our Mission that,


As a Holy Spirit-led family of God, we are called through Baptism to proclaim and bear witness to God's reconciling grace in Jesus Christ to all; so that by joyfully sharing God's work and encouraging each other to service for the sake of others, our lives together make a difference for Christ and His Kingdom.

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